We are pleased to announce the next guest at the TPC Club – the exceptional scientist, educator, and researcher, Prof. Dr. Aleš Holobar.

Dr. Holobar is a renowned expert in the fields of digital signal processing, biomedical signals, and rehabilitation engineering. He graduated (2000) and earned his doctorate (2004) at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor (UM FERI). Today, he serves as a full professor and leads the Institute of Computer Science and the Laboratory for System Software at UM FERI.

His scientific work focuses on the analysis of surface electromyograms and electroencephalograms, where he pioneers the integration of deep learning methods and advanced algorithms for separating composite signals. As the author of over 116 scientific articles, four book chapters, and 143 conference papers, and the holder of international research projects, he actively contributes to the development of techniques for non-invasive analysis of the human nervous system.

Dr. Holobar’s research goes beyond the laboratory. He has co-organized over 80 international workshops and has received prestigious awards such as the ISEK Fellow recognition and the Jožef Stefan Golden Emblem. Additionally, he serves as a regular reviewer for more than 25 international journals. His teaching contributions are equally impressive – he has mentored numerous undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students.

This TPC Club event is an opportunity for anyone interested in the future of technologies at the intersection of humans and machines.

The activities for popularizing science within the TPC – PLATFORM FOR SCIENCE are co-financed by the Slovenian Public Agency for Research and Innovation (ARIS).

Projekt HybridNeuro financirata Evropska Unija iz okvirnega programa EU za raziskave in inovacije, Obzorje Evropa (št. pogodbe 101079392) in Jamstvena shema vlade Združenega kraljestva za raziskave in inovacije (UKRI) za financiranje Obzorje Evropa (št. pogodbe 10052152).


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