The European Research Council (ERC) is the European Union's key institution supporting top researchers in carrying out the most ambitious scientific projects. It was established in 2007 as part of the Horizon Europe programme (formerly Horizon 2020) to promote high-quality research in Europe. The ERC funds projects on the basis of scientific excellence, without thematic restrictions. This means that projects from any research field – natural sciences,
engineering, social sciences and humanities – are eligible.
The target group is outstanding individuals and their research teams
The ERC encourages young researchers (early stage researchers) as well as established scientists to carry out pioneering projects with high risk and high potential.
Types of ERC calls:
Starting Grant: For scientists at the beginning of their careers (2-7 years after their doctorate).
Consolidator Grant: For researchers wishing to strengthen their independent careers (7-12 years after their doctorate).
Advanced Grant: For established researchers with outstanding research achievements.
Proof of Concept: Support for the commercialisation of ERC-funded research results.
Synergy Grant: For groups of 2-4 top researchers working together on interdisciplinary topics.
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(Co-)financing of science popularization activities within the framework of the TPC–SCIENCE PLATFORM is financially supported by the Public Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation of the Republic of Slovenia (ARIS).